
Jul 09, 2010 00:03

  • 09:38 Got lost in NJ for an hour bc doctors are too cheap to send out their own bloodwork after she got $120 for a 5 min exam. #
  • 09:53 A while ago I switched to all female doctors because I thought they wouldnt be assholes but they are still assholes. #
  • 10:20 I swear Im going to dump all my Drs and get my meds quasi-legally as soon as I figure out how to give myself a PAP test. #
  • 10:50 Missed appt at NJ lab so I drove to the Newburgh lab and the nurse asks why I didnt go to the Middletown lab. Motherfucker. #
  • 11:11 All this so my dr can get a letter in a month that says I dont have kidney failure. Though I couldve told you that as Im not currently dead #