Well, it certainly has been a while since I've posted my icons, so there is going to be a boatload, be warned. :D Also, I had to dig way far back for some of these, they date back as far as March, so some of them will suck. :P
Most of these were made for icontests, with some requests. Enjoy~!
* Comments are <3 * Please Credit if you snag * NO HOTLINKING
{1-18} Amanda Seyfried {19-44} Bones {45-58} Emily Deschanel {59-64} David Boreanaz {65-84} MLP: FiM {85-91} Avatar: The Last Airbender {92-106} Pokemon {107-116} Disney (TLK, Bolt, Tangled) {117-120} Lord of the Rings {121-127} Twilight/Kristen Stewart {128-129} Harry Potter