the healing arts

Sep 27, 2013 21:34

i thought i'd share this....because it's something that has been plaguing my mind and spirit...because there are so many people in this world that are lost and "dark", but not necessarily bad, just lost.

the Gathering of the Souls

I was working with a wonderful teacher this past week, and this story was told to me once before, and I was gently reminded of it again, about the two kinds of souls and how they came about here on earth. One is the dark soul and the other is the light soul.

The reason why there are two types of souls, is that dark souls decided to come to the earth without the blessing of the Creator. They decided to break off and come to this life experince with their own agenda, but they didn't realize that without the blessing of God they would not have the beautiful light energy that everyone else has. So the dark soul is constantly seeking the light of the souls with the divine spark of light.

The light souls have the blessing from God to be here on earth, to live and learn within the plan of their lives. They are here to work with other souls to improve themselves all within this plan and the spark inside them is the light they shine from God as they are connected.

Now, you must know that a dark soul can never be light as they do not have this blessing, and the light souls have the blessing so they are always light even when they stray off the path and become dim, because they carry the spark of the Creator.

The dark souls are attracted to this light and will often use the compassion of the light soul to try to suck the energy and light from the light soul. This will cause the light soul to be confused, in pain, and wonder why, if they are trying to help, why their light is beginning to dim.

Remember, the light is the spark and blessing from God, so it can never be taken away, only covered up. It is when the light soul learns that they are being sucked dry, that they will have to learn to move completely away form the dark soul, that is trying so hard to use their light for their own agendas. The separation from the drain of the dark soul will restore the light back to the light souls, so that they may move back onto the path of health and peace, and the soul work they are here to do.

What we don't realize is that a dark soul looks like everybody else on this earth. They don't have four heads and breath fire with a large wart on their nose. They look and act like everyone else. The only difference is that you will know a dark soul as they drain the light's vital essence and energy away to attract other light souls, as they try to hide behind their light.

The misuse of power and the need to control is another way to recognize these souls. Even the dark souls can tap into and speak with a gifted tongue of the heavens so you can be fooled into thinking a dark soul is full of light, when in truth, the dark soul is looking for the light they never have.

No, these souls are not demons but lost, as they decided to do things their own way without the light, blessing, or spark of the Creator. These souls are surrounded by chaos, un-health, unrest and peace is lost with the misuse of the power they crave.

A dark soul will use projection of their own fears upon the light soul to bring their light energy down as a way of power and control, as they never feel really good enough, no matter who they are, or where they are. This has nothing to do with the shadow side of the soul as both the light and dark souls still have the shadow to deal with.

Redemption is between them and God.........

the soul

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