Jan 11, 2007 08:17
It starts off with another physic guy (can't spell) who can zap things with his mind, the yellow-eyed demon keeps telling him to kill things, but he keeps telling the dream no and that the yellow-eyed demon says he has plans for ppl like him. The plans are to use ppl like him in a war. After his therapist session is over he gets killed. (yeah wtf)
Ok Dean was told to watch after his brother or kill him (by his father b4 he died) and that pissed Sam off that he didn't tell him, but Dean apologized and said they should lay low for awhile. Sam didn't want to, but whatever. Some girl has a dream that Sam gets killed by walking into a trap in some old house.
Sam runs off from Dean and starts to look for ppl like him and starts to look in why that zap guy got stabbed to death. the girl that had the dream about Sam (Eva) found Sam and told him and she started to stick with him. Dean found out where Sam went because he went to the bar first and he called there. Sam goes to the zap guys therapist and they get the tape about what he said about the yellow-eyed demon. Then he gets shot at by that black guy and Dean comes in and saves the day, sadly he got captured by the guy. Sam calls Dean for help and Dean tells him he's captured, long story short Sam saves Dean and black guy goes to jail.
Ok after that Dean wants to take a break from hunting, but Sam doesn't want to, so they're still gonna hunt together. than Sam calls Eva to let her know she's alright, but no answer so they visit her house and they find her finace dead and her ring on the floor
THE END o.o;; call me, so i can explain more xD