So there is a dog here now. Again.
I am NOT happy about it. Though I've been teaching her who is da boss. Fear da kitty! Though I did claw the girl but good when going after that little furball yesterday.
The girl says it may be gone in a couple of days like the dog almost a year ago and the cat this past summer. Why can't the girl just learn to ignore the dogs and cats that wander into my yard and my house? Literally this dog came running into the house when the girl came home yesterday. Of all the nerve!
The dog wasn't here but a few minutes and the girl took her to the vet. Dogs get tortured too! The girl tried to give me the excuse that the dog had to stay here a few days because it doesn't have a microchip like me. If the dog had of had one then it would have been on it's way home already.
It whined for a good hour last night when the girl went to bed. Since the dog doesn't have a litter box she put it in the bathroom. I was sure glad when it finally shut up. All that whining and barking was annoying me.
Now I don't understand why the dog gets to go outside several times a day. It just runs around and plays in the back yard. The girl doesn't let me out that often. And not by myself. Even though the fence is vinyl she knows there are other ways I could possibly get out. I am just waiting for an opportunity when she's not out there watching me.
Sadly, if no one can properly identify this dog the girl and Daddy want to *gasp* keep it. The girl is not trying real hard either. She's not putting posters up all over the neighborhood like she did them other animals. She figures calling the city shelter here, the city shelter the next town over, putting up notices at vets office, and checking 2 of the local papers is enough.
She has tried to get a picture of the 2 of us together.
That is me on the far right being unsociable. It's one thing to put up with her picture taking. It's another to have to be embarrassed by having a picture of me with {of all things} a dog.