(no subject)

Sep 09, 2004 22:30

I am so pissed,he is all telling his friends that I am some weirdo probably and all I wanted to do was to still be his friend. So I called today,yeah I know I should not have. And he told me a lie that his mom was on the other line then why did he answer the phone!

So I left him a messege and was like yeah real nice to leave when I was trying to call him and his cousin wrote to me stop callin him just stop!!! WHOA

I am so done and over this,I wish I was at the club right now and making him all sorts of jelous!

But my friend fell through and now I am sitting at home and dwelling!!

His away messege (off to the clubs w/brooks and sarah holla back at me on the cell)

I hate this and who the hell is Sarah
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