(no subject)

Sep 07, 2004 23:14

HoTGiRl00147: If you don't want those pics,I would like them back
him: if u want to come and get them go ahead.....did u tell holly we broke up
HoTGiRl00147: Yeah that would be nice.
HoTGiRl00147: Yes i did why?
him: ok
Dick23: jw in chase she calls bitching at me
HoTGiRl00147: yeah she wanted to do that but i am way more mature and didnt let her
HoTGiRl00147: u happy now that you are single again and can be yourself :-)
HoTGiRl00147: i still want to be friends if you do
Dick23: well holly hates me and rest of your friends probably hate me to
Dick23: i like that
HoTGiRl00147: can you blame them
Dick23: u probably made me out to be a bad dude
HoTGiRl00147: i was really hurt all the time i felt so guilty about what i did you went out and did it ten folds
HoTGiRl00147: no they saw you for who you were
Dick23: oh ok
Dick23: who else did u tell
HoTGiRl00147: a few of my friends since they knew about you
HoTGiRl00147: and i have not told my mom yet
Dick23: oh ok
HoTGiRl00147: y?
HoTGiRl00147: who have you told everyone
HoTGiRl00147: yeah
Dick23: well your parents really didnt know me....just ryan and my brother
HoTGiRl00147: yeah i know
HoTGiRl00147: my mom knew about you
Dick23: oh really
HoTGiRl00147: yes
HoTGiRl00147: i tell her everything
Dick23: everything?
HoTGiRl00147: yeah
HoTGiRl00147: she is my best friend
Dick23: but u probably didnt mention that u cheated on me first
HoTGiRl00147: so that makes it right!!!!!!!
HoTGiRl00147: i loved you
HoTGiRl00147: and all along you knew waht type of person you were
Dick23: u see liz u cheated on me when we together and going out i cheated on u when we were broken up
HoTGiRl00147: i doubt that
Dick23: what would u say is right
HoTGiRl00147: 5 times with 5 diff girls and i am sure we were together
HoTGiRl00147: i know how you and ur boys do it
HoTGiRl00147: everytime you go to a club you all pick up a girl to take home
HoTGiRl00147: and oh yeah sorry you could not tell your army boys about me cause then you would not be in there little "crew" anymore cause you could not go out an d ge the va booty and some from me to if you came home to visit
23: what were u talking about in that last im about me and my army boys in va
HoTGiRl00147: u told holly that you could never tell ur boys aboutme
HoTGiRl00147: cause you would be out of the crew
Dick23: i dont remember what i said to holly that night i was pretty fucked up but i dont think i said anything like that though
HoTGiRl00147: that is what she told me
Dick23: oh maybe i did then
HoTGiRl00147: i was like no his boys no about me everyt ime they were around he was like i am talking to mah girl
HoTGiRl00147: and then the sad thing is your not even sad about us breaking up
HoTGiRl00147: ???
Dick23: well if u really want to know
HoTGiRl00147: yeah i do
Dick23: well when i told my army buddies u cheated on me when i iraq they told me to do something mean to but i couldnt be that mean so i am not sad at all cause u made life worst for me over there when i found that out couldnt sleep at night and shit like that
HoTGiRl00147: then why get back with me travis
HoTGiRl00147: if i made your life sooooooooooo miserable
HoTGiRl00147: it was ur udea
HoTGiRl00147: idea*
Dick23: cause when i was in germany i was more happier going out to the club and going home with anyone i want to and when i was with u i just sat there and being bored
HoTGiRl00147: cause i cant go out and have a good time with you i am not 21
HoTGiRl00147: i wanted to go out and have a goot time with you
Dick23: how does that do with anything i just said in the last im
HoTGiRl00147: u sat around being bored with me
HoTGiRl00147: and i mean i made an effort to do things with you it didnt work
Dick23: i know u try it just didnt work out
HoTGiRl00147: u said you were more happier when you could go to the club and sleep with someone you wanted to well i am sorry that i was your gf what you wanted didnt wnat to bring you down or anything
HoTGiRl00147: and i dont care
HoTGiRl00147: i am over it
HoTGiRl00147: ur all talk and nothing else
HoTGiRl00147: u made it seem like you were sooo in love with me and then you get ehre and all you want to do is drink and not be with me
HoTGiRl00147: i am sorry if i bored you
Dick23: yeah right over the phone is different then in person
HoTGiRl00147: omfg that is what i have been trying to say,that is why i was acting all weird
HoTGiRl00147: you could have tried you didnt even give it a chance
HoTGiRl00147: you just gave up
Dick23: i try i though long and hard about it..i just dont want to be in relationship right now
HoTGiRl00147: then fine,i am not pushing you
HoTGiRl00147: just be careful and use ur condomns
HoTGiRl00147: lol
Dick23: thanks
HoTGiRl00147: wow that hurt
Dick23: what
HoTGiRl00147: nothing
HoTGiRl00147: so why not out getting drunk tonight
Dick23: i gotta run over to ryans and hangout with him and smoke a cig ill talk to ya later....taking a break for tonight
HoTGiRl00147: ok wahtever bye have fun
HoTGiRl00147: :-)
Dick23: there is that whatever bs again
Dick23: i will have fun
Dick23: bye
HoTGiRl00147: oh that was not to be mean
HoTGiRl00147: god
HoTGiRl00147: yeah i will hae fun too!
Dick23 is away at 11:09:07 PM.
HoTGiRl00147: so now it was crazy yeah thanks

Auto response from Dick23: went to ryans

Back on the market,single once again after a crazy relationship

HoTGiRl00147: thought you are not looking and just want to enjoy the single life!
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