(no subject)

Apr 14, 2010 12:28

Title: Never again.
Author: soukei
Recipient: fanfaluche
Characters/Pairing: Prussia/Ukraine and some other pairings.
Rating: PG-13. A little violence here and there.
Summary: He wasn’t invited.
Notes: I’m sorry I’m late like a month. I’ve been crazy like hell but that’s no excuse for being this late. >_< I hope you still like this !
Warnings: Little blood, cursing and Denmark being violent and England being drunk.

He wasn't invited. His brother was and so was the rest of their family. Even Russia and his crazy family was there, but, him being awesome, didn't need an invite or anyone else for that matter so he just invited himself over for the new year's party.

Sure, he loved to be alone and boats about not needing anyone else; but New Year's Eve was spend with friends and family, even he had to admit that. The fond memories of the evenings he spend with West when he was smaller was what pulled him to join him and the rest.

He drank beer like the others, pestered Austria a little more than normal, just to get back at Hungary. Though the result was of a pan hitting him more than once for stealing Austria's glasses and then accidently dropping them and they just had to break then. Shit. Another whack and he was knocked KO.

When he opened his eyes again, the first thing he saw was not his bruder or his little chick or even Austria who'd usually enter his view after he'd get wacked- he couldn't get on her name shitwhatwasitagain- Ukraine.

Ah. Damnit. Russia's older sister. She was fiddling and looked nervous and when she noticed that he had opened his eyes she let out a squeak, moving a little away from him for she was crowding his personal space a little too much with those big tits.

"Are you okay ?" She asked, and was it just him or did she sound genuine worried ?

He tried to sit up, only to be hit by the usual dizziness that would come after a good whack from that pan. He let out a small groan and held his head with his hand. It took him a couple of seconds more before he could pull himself together - faster than normal - and grin at the shy woman in front of him. “Why wouldn’t I be ?” he asked, sure it was normal for people to get hit by a pan.. Not. He got up and patted his jacket before moving away and leaving Ukraine behind, not so much giving her another glance.

The first thing he went to look for was West, his little brother had enjoyed the evening so far and it was time for him to be the responsible older brother and ruin the evening and crash this party.

England was already doing his best to piss off Denmark and the other Nordics that also were invited. Unfair ! He stopped and continued to watch the Brit piss them off and even America had moved away, having given up on trying to get the older man to leave the party with still everyone in a good mood.

Everyone’s chatted died down when Denmark threw the first punch right in England’s face and the man stumbled into Russia-and he knew the evening had just started.

Grinning he walked over to Denmark “Oi-“ he was cut off when a bottle was hurled in his face - meant for Denmark’s but the man was still sober enough to duck away - and he cursed, cursed badly as he could feel blood dribbling down his face and into his mouth. Shit shit shit. He was going to kill that brit.

He grabbed the bottle off the ground while keeping a hand to his nose and glared at the stunned man. Suddenly arms slipped around England’s arm and he was pulled against a chest and it was Russia’s and everyone held their breath as they watched England struggle out of the tight grip of Russia while the man smiled peacefully at the others.

“He needs to calm down, da ?” he asked, tightening his grip on the jerking man in his arms. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to get his little revenge on him now anymore now that he was in Russia’s arms and decided he’d get him back for it later.

America came - of course - as soon as Russia and England were breathed in the same sentence he was there, poking Russia with a finger, moving around him while he continued to hold him, telling him to let go of England or else.

People just moved a little more away, trying to ignore the three nations and Norway had a tight grip on Denmark’s jacket just in case he decided he needed to punch England a little more.

Russia’s sisters were standing next to his brother, and while Ukraine looked a little nervous and trying not to look in their direction Belarus was holding two knives and her body language screamed ‘murder’ and Prussia realized this evening could even get better.

He quickly walked over to West, “West-we should give England more alcohol - and not that pissy drink he dares call ‘beer’ but real beer!” he grinned, eyes gleaming wickedly as he grabbed two bottles of beer on the table next to him and his brother before moving towards the three nations still being immature brats.

“Prussia ?” a shy voice asked him and his plans to make this evening even more enjoyable were put to a hold when he turned to look at Ukraine. “Yeah?” he breathed, smirking down at the girl, gaze quickly fluttering down before back to her face. He was a man after all.

Suddenly she stepped closer and closer and she was in his personal bubble and before he could ask what the fuck he was pecked on his cheek. Her lips lingered a little and they were so soft, he noted. What the hell ?

He blinked a couple of times before blushing to the roots of his hair and he glanced in his brother’s directions for help but the man had a little bit of trouble to keep his smile off his face and suddenly eyes were all turned their way and man what the fuck.

He glanced back at Ukraine with a what the hell look on his face and she blushed too before pointing a finger upwards. He followed the direction. Oh.


Of course.

Damn Hungary.

He bet big money on it that she placed them all around the house so she could force the male nations to kiss each other. Had already seen Switzerland and Finland share a kiss and and oh God. Damn that woman.

“Uhm..” he couldn’t find his voice, didn’t know what to say either cause what the hell do you say in a situation like this ? What the hell ?

Suddenly a shadow fell over him and Ukraine and while Hungary was off to his side grinning like a bitch - he could hear the quiet “kolkolkol” and turning around he was faced with a crazy Russia. Gentle smile off his face and nowhere to be seen and eyes crazy open and wild and a big smile that took a lot of his energy before he was hit with a spigot right in his face and with a last “motherfucking” he was out.

ukraine, prussia, fanfic

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