Joining a none shouted Dynamis LS is probably the best decision I've made on this game in a long time. Even though tonight's piece is not an OMG piece from Dynamis, but none the less, its a piece I've been after for a long, long time. Pretty much ever since I had rdm to 75, I've been commenting this piece whenever I did Sand'Oria. It speaks volumes about how a committed small group could get done in Dynamis without needing more than one alliance of players.
I think since the last month, I've accumulated more AF's than the last 2 years combined doing with Shouted LS on Wednesday, and NDA on Sunday (which is a combo of ND members and shouted).
I do hope the Static could get just a few more members, so we can start doing the Dreamworld's with more success, and maybe eventually attempt Dynamis-Tavnazia.
3 down, 2 more to go!
Prior to today, I was able to knock out Drakesbane WS quest, and man I sure love it. I will be doing some meriting in the next couple nights for Drg, and Eticket gave me some good pointers on how to spend the points on. Thanks Et~