Jul 10, 2006 07:41
Exping in the 60's with monk has prove to be more difficult than expected for the most part. Took 4 parties to get from 62 to 62. Then Got stuck in a lvl5 besiged, so I ran around and chi blasted things and manage to get 700exp and got to 63.
This bad series of parties was generally caused by lame ass ppl fake D/Cing. I mean seriously.. There are 3 ways to leave a shitty party.
1. People who have the guts to say the party sucks ass, and realizing its not working and a waste of time, then disbands.
2. People who don't want to offend anyone, so they make up an excuse about their sick pet/kids/homework/LS, and then leaves with very short notice.
3. People who unplug their network cable and fakes a D/C, and don't come back. I'm sorry, to me, these people are scum and a cowar, who don't have the decency to let the ppl know they are leaving and should start looking for replacement, they like to waste other people's time, and make ppl think they might come back.
Granted for myself, if I was in that situation of being in a crappy ass party, I would most likely to choose option 2, and maybe option 1 if majority of the member don't even have a clue. But I would never waste another seekers time by inviting them out to a shitty party to replace me.