Mar 15, 2007 21:56
Iiris dropped by for a nice evening, ice cream and Radiohead films. First we watched the London Astoria live from 1994 and then the film "Meeting people is easy", which was a pretty brilliant description of the fuck-up of an intelligent mind. After a blurry beginning I was totally caught by the sharp cuts and lovely lights and sights that were torn apart from any actual physical existence.
Juho left for Helsinki, and I'm trying to think of all the things I could do without him around, like listening to those records he's not really that fond of. But I don't know. I'll follow tomorrow since Iipu was so awfully kind and not only lent me the money but also bought me the train ticket to get there. I made some animals of different colours with moulding wax and was told on Wednesday that I most probably have some kind of an asthma, how nice. They'll give me some kind of a meter as soon as someone has the time to teach me how to use that apparatus, in the beginning of April that is.
Greyness is slowly clearing up, the sun light warms the flowing days. Bright light always brings back black shadows, but that's only part of the attraction. The warmness should be in me.