it's b-e-a-u-ti-ful!

Mar 09, 2004 18:24

Lovely weather here. :-) I've been outside so much during the day. The lake is beautiful to bike ride by and Roi loves running around the pasture chasing baseballs. :-) Oh, and the stars at night are brilliantm, and the the moon around seven at night is a breathtakingly beautiful golden orb... I've missed being able to look at the stars; they've already changed positions a lot since last time I was out, but the winter stars are easy for me to locate. It's summer I have a little trouble with... :-) I bet Sare's been out stargazing as well, no? ;-)

I can't keep Jacob Vaughan's first lines of "The World" out of my head. I've probably read them a thousand times and I think I can bring it up from my reluctant memory...
"I saw Eternity the other night,
Like a great ring of pure and endless light,
All calm, as it was bright,
And round beneath it, Time, in hours, days, years,
Driven by the spheres,
Like a vast shadow moved, in which the world
And all her train were hurled."
It's even more beautiful to think that this ring of pure and endless light, this ring of eternity is the ring Christ gives His Bride, the church. What a beautiful picture. You can find the rest of "The World" here:

I am driving to Bartlesville in the morning with my sis Ali and her friend Rachel and my friend Heather. We're fleeing Ponca with the dawn, so wish me luck driving right on into the rising sun. That sounds romantic and poetic but when you're in a car (not on horseback) it's anything but that. Well, I guess both could be called 'blinding'. Just very different connotations. ;-) Anyways, Daddy's gone and Deanna has school thus leaving me as the only option. We had to go tomorrow because the person in charge of volunteer schedules (Dennis) called us saying that a group cancelled and they needed someone in the mail shop on Wednesday. Of course we said we'd go, very gladly. It'll be a lot of fun as always; it's a neat opportunity to help spread the news of Christ's persecuted people around the world, and is a good reminder that we have brothers in sisters in chains. We'll have to leave right at five if we're going to get back in time for me to go to worship team practice...but I suppose if I'm late David (the bass guitarist) will willingly play the piano as my substitute. ;-) I was talking to the music director, Monty, and told him I might be a little late. He said that was fine because I'd probably only miss the prayer. Of course I had to say: "Oh, is prayer the best thing to miss?" :-) For the record he did *not* mean it that way, it just came out wrong. :-)

My dad's sister and her husband and my cousin are up for the week; my uncle's giving a conference at the PCPD. Go figure...coming all the way from Duluth to North-Central Oklahoma?! They asked us if we had a mall and I laughed and said, "Yeah, the Ponca has about ten shops." "Oh yeah, we saw that..." "We do have three movie theaters for the total of SEVEN screens," I said. "Oh, whoa!" Aunt Mary replied in sarcasm. :-) Oh yes, and they made the mistake of making reservations at the Super 8. Note: do not ever stay in the Super 8 here, it is *disgusting* . The only nice hotel is the Fairfield Inn. :-) Anyways, life is slow and friendly here; that is, if you can manage to have a life. :-)

Daddy's sick, so it's a good thing he's not home or we'd have *another* round of colds/flus. We told him to stay in South Africa until he's better; I'm sure he feels loved. :-) How can he not be with eight girls in the house? ;-)

Jared's cast is not inhibiting his mischief-making habits. In fact I think the habit has become *stronger* since then.

Keep smiling. :-)

Love you guys!
Andi :-D
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