Apr 05, 2006 22:35
birthday joys and blues...
Well, here I am at the doorstep of another birthday....26 I think I have made myself so nervous for this. I mean...am I ready to have another birthday? Oh boy, am I thankful that I am getting the opportunity to have another birthday.....but what am I supposed to be doing with my life?! Is this it? Working in a semi-rural area making ends meet and singing at church and in other organizations? I just thought by now I might have been ready to be married, but I am starting to see that that's not my plan. It's hard to accept that I'm going to be 26. I'm not getting any younger. I'm not married....I don't have a boyfriend...I don't even have the prospective men to "choose" from.....oh well...I'm sure that someone is out there for me....I must perservere----so I'm watching the Steve Martin's Mark Twain award thingy.
Roxy has been doing well. I'm glad to be able to be home with her more often. The musical is over, district contest is over, all city is over, Masterworks Chorale is over....spring break is over(what a nice break I had).....but things are starting up again soon...this weekend is JH Solo and Ensemble contest, Easter, Mozart in Columbus, Patti's Pals, State Contest, the Play, HS Tour, JH Contest, Brenda's Wedding, then the last week of school....THEN I go on a mission trip to Goochland Virginia for a week, come back and co-direct Vacation Bible School, then a week off before 6 weeks of Grad. School! HOLY CANOLE!!!!! I did not really realize I was this busy...I just knew I had stuff going on but man.....
well....I am going to try to get to sleep before 11:30 tonight. I don't know if it will be possible, because it's already 10:25 right now. I'm excited that the Indians are playing agian...I'm a little random right now...must be because I'm getting older
Well, there are some of you out there that I would love to hear from.....I miss you----