Oh, there's so much to talk about that I'll only skim the surface! First, my Yuletide fic is in as of about an hour ago or so - which is late for me, but I started it late because of finishing
dream_holiday yada yada - and I happened to see that there's a greyed out fic waiting for me on AO3, so no fears this year of being last on the pinch hit list :) Speaking of which I've not managed to catch a pinch hit this year - yet. I suspect I may not as my enthusiasm is low, my writing brain was all used up on finishing The Lists of Avalon (my freeform game that ran in November) so I don't feel so bad.
Secondly, if you haven't already seen Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows may I recommend you do so? Especially if you are of a slashy turn of mind and like RDJ even a little? It really is that rare beast, a sequal that is better than the first movie. (So, just this one and... Empire Strikes Back maybe?) I loved every single second of it, really fun - particularly the last action/fight sequence - when you see it you'll know why I loved it so much. Jared Harris made an excellent Moriarty.
Thirdly, OMG how good is the first Hobbit trailer? It really gave me a emotional punch in the stomach. I think a LotR rewatch is in order this Christmas. The trailer made me so excited for the movie at long last - I suspect I'll be dusting off my hobbit fic writing credentials. There may even have to be dwarf slash, or should I stick to RPS, as the safer, saner alternative? :)
What else? There's probably loads, but I'm mentally knackered at the mo. I hope XMas will recharge the batteries - all except for Come hel or Hiawatha, of course, which needs editing in time for it's run at the end of Jan (next freeform game I'm running.) So Happy Christmas, you guys!