Aug 26, 2009 19:42
I am so angry with people. How dare someone. I work at a Dr office where death is offten. I see our doctors busting there asses for people. The patients are greatfull, there family members on the other had are asses. People swear that things can be done when in some cases you can not. I know it is in people nature to fight, but sometimes you need to let go and enjoy the last of your time togeather. Stop putting them through hell because of what you want. If they want to fight great, if not let them go. AND STOP BLAMING MY DOCTORS. If only this if only that, you must be hiding something from us. NOPE YOU JUST DON'T LISTEN. Grandma is 89 years old and LALA land is her best friend. They bitch when she is in pain then bitch cause you gave her meds to stop the pain and she sleep's. Palative care means you are not going to recover. Care for a cure mean they might. If your doctor tell's you that you are under Palative care then you are basically being treated to prolong your life as long as they can, but you will die from this. I love how people will research on the desease but will not on the type of care that is being given. No one is hiding anything from you, you just chose to ask the wrong questions. I guess because I work in this place I know these things, but the one thing that get me is people who are nurses and they say that we are not doing all we can. And also I know we are taking on to many patients. Thank you for allowing Medicare to decide the rate of pay that the doctors are going to get and they have to double book to get what they were making 10 years ago. The more you cut the amount of pay our doctors get the more you are going to wait. Oh and fucking doctors who know what it is like expecting to be treated any diffrently. You are a patient just like all these other people. WAIT YOUR DAMN TURN. My doctors are working the best they can with the amount of time that a day gives them. I am sure you want the best care like everyone else so stop rushing them and insisting that we don't care. WE DO. That is why sometimes it takes so long they need to listen to understand so they don't miss anything so people can be treated properly and not like cattle. SO we can cure and not just prolong life. GOD BLESS GET OVER YOURSELF. That is all I am done.