Aug 05, 2009 18:33
I think Dead ANT's would be a understatement. More like ANT Sunomie hit my house last night. I woke up to about 1000 dead fire ant's in front of my house. I am sorry to say I looked back and was wondering which one of my children is the Antichrist. So now I am thinking of writing a epic love story about the ant flood. "Oh Tommy ant where are you" "come closer my love I havent got much longer to live." "BUT why my love" Because those stupid humans are going to come out and finsh the job. Well you get the ideal. And the cool things is I will have pictures. Yes I am sick in the brain. It took you that long to figure it out. Or have your forgotten who my hubby is. Now I must go my son is getting this confused with some much needed home work that I haven't done yet.