Dec 22, 2008 18:40
I try to stay away from leaving comments around on my myspace and stuff like that, that have people wondering if I am talking about them or not. But today I could not help myself I was so pissed. I wanted that person to wonder. Hay here she will never know. So any ways let me clear it up so you are not cought in the dark for too long. Diane is my sister in law. But not by true blood. She is a half only to Rogers younger brother Patrick. No relation to Jeremy and Roger. Well she was raised by Rogers father and they all called her sister, my children call her aunt. She is part of the family and was never really treated or told diffrently. Now when she turned 18 she was kicked out of the house because she was being disrespectful to Rogers father and not following the rules. Now she took it apon herself to get ahold of her long lost Sperm Donnor father who has had nothing to do with her for THE LAST 20 YEARS OF HER LIFE AND IS IN JAIL NEVER RAISED HER NEVER GAVE HER A ROOF OVER HER HEAD NOTHIN HIS FAMILY KNEW OF HER AND DID NOTHING AND SHE THINKS IT IS ALL ROGERS DADS FAULT. BITCH, IF THESE STUPID REDNECK MESSED UP BACK WOODS HILLBILLLY PEOPLE WANTED ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU THEY COULD HAVE FORCED THE RELATION SHIP. NOW YOU ARE GOING TO HURT MY KIDS, MY CHILDREN THAT LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING, WHO WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU, FOR A FAMILY THAT COULD GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT YOU. MY DAUGHTER WENT OUT AND BOUGHT SOMETHING FOR YOUR SORRY ASS INSTEAD OF HER BROTHER. Sorry allot of anger here. So she is going to spend the holidays with her fathers family. Now I could understand if her fathers was going to be there, but he is not. Alexis was upset. And Missy told her she was going to have to tell Jeremy. And she lied and said that her friend Bethaney was not going to be able to go because, she had her family comming in. And Roger and Missy wont tell him the truth. Ohh well. I need to phase this girl out of my daughters life. She does not understand what kind of effect she has on my daughter.