Still in ahh over this past weekend....

Nov 20, 2008 17:49

I love my camera.  It maybe small, but it does some great work.  So as I said before this was Alexis's first real concert.  We saw someone at Epcot but, it was no one she knew.  This group she at least has heard a few of there songs and knew of them.  She was star struck.  She would not stop moving in her seat and, I think she saw a side of mommy that might have made her concern.  She also feel in love with the lady who played the violin.  Her name is Anna Phoebe.  An now Alexis knowes her name, want her albume.  She has one solo albume out that I know of.  So here are some of my favorites.  Of Alexis's favorite.  Now it was funny because we went to the meet and greet after the concert and I saw Chris.  I walked up to him and said " this is for my ex husband"  I love the face.  One day i will send he a cd but, he would probably throw it away because he would think there was a virus on it.

Well the picture should explain itself.  I don't think the poor man knew what to think about that comment.  It was also 12:00am and I imagine we were all well over tired by that point.  I think the whole group Savatage was there.  They did a beautiful version of "Beleave"  off there Streets Albume.  David was suprised because Alexis and I both were singing along with the song.  He had never heard of the group before.  They also did Hall of the Moutain King.  Not a big fan of the song, but as everyone say's things do sound better live and the stage performance was awsome.  I am glad we had the group we had that day.  David told me that there are two versions touring and the other group was in I think eather Fort Lauderdale or Tampa that night. Well I know I can go on and on but, I am going to stop.  Ohh and other great news.  I get to leave hell soon.  I found a better job.  Thank you god.
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