So the wee Robyn has brought a stomach virus unto us all. I was lucky enough to suffer the worst of the virus while at clinical yesterday. The only truly sucky thing was that since I was on the psych wing, all the doors were locked. Including the bathroom. Which means that I had to go ask for a key each time I needed to go expel things. I'm glad I have such strong sphincters as it allowed me to "hold it" much longer than I expected.
This means that once I got home to the safety and privacy of my own potty, my GI system proceeded to punsish me for stressing it so. poor me.
But I made it through a full 12 hour shift without throwing up on anyone else (I just hit me-eww) and I managed to learn a great deal.
Such as psych is definitely not for me. I like my crazy people in less concentrated form. One or two per day is fine, 25 in the same room is a bit much. I'm too empathic as it is and now I'm in a room full of schitzophrenics! Very interesting, fascinating to hear about their delusions but very exhausting trying to keep up with their neural leaps of logic.
This morning I am actually hungry (a good sign) but am too weak to do much chewing (very sad and pitiful). Think I'll make jello for breakfast. I do feel much better though. Very weak from going 24 hours without food or water, but stuff is actually staying put this morning.
Oh, and the baby has the ick too. Went up to get him this morning and he is covered in scary amounts of his own secretions. So not fun. Poor Aiden. He's holding his own very well this morning though. Have him piled on towels just in case.
And he has consonants ga and da. It's neat.