Good Morning :D

May 05, 2007 07:51

Being woken up by the cat (see pic) at 6.30 by one single cry/meow down the left ear is not good for you.
My heart has calmed down now :S

Tried to get back to sleep, but gave up as the cat wouldn't let me (honest) so gave up and decided to sort out our snaps on the pc, which is what I am doing now.
(Well OK not *now* as I am typing this but you know what I mean)
Between my work log in, my log in and Pete's log in our pictures are are dotted all over the place. So some bright spark suggested creating another log in for the pic's....

It's currently called pictures, which is fine on the log in screen, but looks a tad daft in the folders (Pictures Pictures :S)

If any one has an idea for a better name, please send answers on a post card to......

O' to every one in the UK on my Flist..... so about the change in weather. It is all my fault. I brought some factor 25 suntan lotion on Thursday *shrugs* .... Sorry.
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