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Jul 23, 2007 14:23

So, otakon was pretty awesome, here's the overview


Friday started off like every day before a con. Barely able to sleep, anxiously awaiting a weekend of awesome. Got to the airport early in the morning, beat a Megaman 2 hack while waiting to board. The flight was pretty quick, only like an hour tops. Flew into the airport, made my way to the rail (someone out of nowhere gave me a daypass, which i probably could have gotten away with not having). I saw several people in costume on the rail so i decided to put on my Kamina glasses....the looks i got were priceless. Anyways, finally made it to the con center, met like half the Gurren Lagann group like... right away. Seriously like right after i got in. Got into costume, got my badge, etc. From there, I went to drop my stuff off in Grace's room for the time being. I was really glad to have met her ^^. We hung out a lot together. So anyways, shortly after that, I met my two roommates. Brandon, and his girlfriend Kate. They were very nice people, and i'd most definetly room with them again. Anyways, Gurren Lagann photoshoot happened, awesomeness commenced. Grace and I decided to try and find the free slushie place that wasn't too far from the con. By the time we got there though... they stopped giving away free slushies to cosplayers :(. Ah well. Afterwards, her and I made our first rounds of the dealers room. Had a suprise meeting with Sprout too. I was extremely suprised to see him, but it was cool nonetheless. At one point i managed to suprise her by buying her a pair of Orihime hair clips, which she wanted.. Oh yeah, I picked up SRW:OGS as well. After our rounds, we exited, and I bumped into Elly. Sadly, didn't get to hang around with her much at all this weekend. I think soon after this, i met up with Brandon and Kate again to go check into our hotel. we took a cab, and i have a feeling the driver overcharged us on the trip.. ah well. We checked in, dropped off our stuff, and decided to get some food at Checkers. Decent food, wish there was one around here. Anyways, we managed to score a ride back to the con from a couple of people in the neighboring hotel. got back to the con and decided to hang around in the gaming room a bit. Tried to get in on some pokemon battle revoultion, but it doesn't like flash carts. By the time I realized this, it was too late. I think i did something else too. Oh yeah, I chilled up in Grace's room for a bit too. Soon after it was time to go back to my hotel... So me, Brandon, and Kate got back together with our friends from the other hotel and drove back. Watched a little TV, and then, sleep. Oh, i believe i saw sailormoon, Nick, and JimmayTroll (I believe, anyways.) at some point during the day.


Woke up early, aroudn 6-7ish. watched some TV, ate breakfast, did the usual morning routine. By the time everyone woke up though, we had missed getting a ride from the other two at the hotel next door, so we had to bus it. The bus ride... was awkward. We were the only white people, and brandon was in costume. We kinda stuck out, lol. Thankfully that didn't matter much. Was a long-ass ride though. I didn't want to take it back home, heh. Anyways, met Grace and Geo as soon as i got in, and we did something. I forget what. After that stuff though, we got in line for Seki Tomokazu Q+A. The line was quite memorable, between pictochat and some obnoxious fat guy yelling out OH MY GOD MY LEG IS ASLEEP. OH MY GOD MY LEG. IT IS ASLEEP. NOT GOOD. as he walked in. Yeah, he was really obnoxious and he sat next to us. While the seki panel was awesome by default because he's my favorite VA...the fans made that panel MASSIVE. FAIL. Between that fat guy, the amount of fangirls going OMG WEISS KREUZ and trying to speak to him in terrible Japanese. It hurt. Least the signing went a lot better, cause i managed to pick up a GFF God Gundam in the dealers room for him to sign. Needless to say... He was VERY happy to sign it. I was gonna bring my SRW:W case for him to sign, but alas, i forgot it in the hotel. I think at this point we lost Geo... so me and grace walked around a bit and the GAR of the Kamina costume managed to seep into my soul, and i managed to tell her how i felt about her. It went fairly well... I think. I believe soon after, we got some eats and parted ways. I walked around for a bit, went to the artists alley, met Manda. I stopped by the chibi-mecha guy's (I forget his name on /m/... oh well D:) stand, where i got a free Gurren Lagann sticker for being Kamina. Needless to say, I spent a lot of money at that stand over the weekend. Time passed, and i decided to hang out in front of the Gundam Panel with everyone (no, i didn't go the 4chan panel. I wouldn't leave my friends in the dark, hah). Poked my head into the panel before it, where the panelist made everyone rise for Kamina. That was probably the most epic thing that happened all weekend. anyways, the gundam panel kicked so much ass it wasn't even funny. After it, I hung back at Grace's room, hopefully still catching the party. Unfortunatley, i missed it and only got the aftermath. Ah well. Found out Brandon and Kate went back home since they didn't live too far away or something, so they weren't gonna room with me for the night. Ah well. Broke down when i got back to the room because i was really tired, and called Katt. Was very comforting to talk to her. Sleep.


Woke up, usual morning activities, checked out of the hotel blah blah blah. Managed to score a free ride back to the con. We got lost in the parking garage, lol. Anyways, managed to score an awesome battle in PBR when i went to the game room. Hung out with Grace, got some last minute stuff in the artist alley and dealers room. Sadly... the weekend was finally over, I said my goodbyes and got on the train back to the airport. Met some cool people on it, at least. Got through the airport, got some food with some awesome people. After talking to them for like... an hour or so about WoW and other things... it was time to start boarding and head home. The weekend was finally over...found out nobu went like last minute when i got home. Suprised i didn't see him, then again... i'm kinda not.

tl;dr - otakon was awesome.
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