Цитатник Англофила по выходным - 13: о "продаже" иранскими пленниками своих историй

Apr 09, 2007 13:03

Сегодня в Альбионе выходной - т.н. "Easter Monday". Однако, вместо умиротворяющих пасхальных историй в медийной картине последних дней доминирует сюжет с "продажей" освобожденными на прошлой неделе из иранского плена британскими моряками их "stories" прессе (например, вот подборка материалов BBC "Should the captives sell their stories?"). Статью на эту тему знаменитого публициста Макса Гастингса, опубликованную сегодня в Daily Mail, я и выложу в рамках данной рубрики (см. ниже). А пока - несколько пояснений.

Министерство обороны, давшее на эти публикации разрешение (вообще-то военнослужащие связаны соответствующей подпиской) мотивировало его "исключительными обстоятельствами", а также тем, что, дескать, ввиду огромного общественного интереса эти рассказы так или иначе (хотя бы через друзей и родственников бывших пленников) нашли бы свой путь на таблоидные страницы - так что пусть они рассказывают хотя бы под относительным контролем. А публично озвученная мотивация самих моряков - рассказать "their side of story", чтобы публика поняла, что им пришлось претерпеть. Некоторые моряки уже объявили, что гонорары (общая сумма оценивается шестизначной цифрой; одна Faye Turney - единственная женщина среди бывших пленников - получит за интервью таблоиду Sun и популярной программе ITV1 "Tonight With Trevor McDonald" не менее 150 тысяч фунтов) полностью или частично пойдут на благотворительные цели. Однако, по общему мнению, то сочувствие, которое они имели до сих пор среди значительной части британской публики, теперь в значительно степени исчезнет. И им самим, попавшим в жернова таблоидной прессы, еще предстоит испытать, что значит подвергнуться всестороннему публичному просвечиванию, на которое они этой "продажей" по существу дали добро.

Я не припомню события, которое бы трактовалось общественным мнением столь однозначно. Общий тон откликов, которые непрерывно идут в новостных программах, можно выразить так: эти лейбористские спин-доктора, окопавшиеся в Министерстве Обороны, просто спятили! В своих потугах противостоять иранской пропаганде, немало наварившей на этом событии (вкупе со стремлением некоторых военных начальников, несущих ответственность за то, что сам захват стал возможным, перевести стрелки общественного внимания) они установили опасный прецедент на будущее. Кстати, и в пропагандистской войне эти публикации и интервью вряд ли помогут: по британскому телевидению все время передают кадры телевидения иранского, показывающие, что времяпровождение пленников в плену не всегда было столь печальным, как они это обрисовывают (понятно, что подтвердить свои слова картинками они не имеют возможности). Оппозиция, между тем, уже заявила, что потребует специального расследования, кто и как конкретно давал разрешение на эти публикации. Для лейбористов это еще одна нехорошая история, которая им еще аукнется на будущих выборах.

В своей статье в Daily Mail Макс Гастингс с присущими ему основательностью и напором суммировал мысли и чувства тех, для кого это действо с "продажей историй" являтся неприемлемым. Несколько слов об этом авторе. Sir Max Hastings - знаменитый британский военный журналист, военный историк и редактор. Как военный корреспондент, он освещал многие конфликты и особенно прославился репортажами во время Falklands War. На протяжении 10 лет (1985 - 1995) был главным редактором ведущей консервативной газеты Daily Telegraph. Автор многих книг, в том числе фундаментальных военно-исторических трудов (одна из его книг "Armageddon: The Battle for Germany 1944-45" получила заинтересованные отклики и в России - не знаю, издана ли она на русском языке). Сейчас является колумнистом консервативного таблоида Daily Mail и лево-либеральной Guardian.

It stinks.
Encouraging these hostages to make money from their ordeal is WRONG


Encouraging these hostages to make money from their ordeal creates an appalling precedent. To all those selfless, dedicated men and women who serve their country on rotten pay, it is a grotesque betrayal writes Max Hastings...

This stinks. The Ministry of Defence's decision to allow the released Iranian hostages to sell their stories for personal profit drives a coach and horses through service rules, sets a shocking precedent, and makes a squalid saga smellier still.

The decision has been denounced with rare and welcome unanimity across the political spectrum. It suggests collusion between ministers and senior officers in an attempt to paper over a cringemaking episode.

If we had just won a famous victory, there might be a grain of sense and justice in it. As things are, the country is still licking its wounds after the Government and Royal Navy between them inflicted a national humiliation on us. Allowing the captives to make tens of thousands of pounds apiece from their experiences seems an insult to tens of thousands of British soldiers who have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001 for rotten pay, and done brave and good things.

Nobody has handed any of them fat cheques, even the ones who have been wounded and maimed. Now, suddenly, a special case is being made for a group of service people who have suffered a ghastly experience, but done nothing even faintly heroic. They have been victims of the Iranians and of their own commanders' incompetence, but Guy Gibson at the Mohne Dam they are not, and the country knows it.

It is possible to make a good guess about why the MoD has made this decision. Ministers and admirals reckon that some of the captives are bound to sell their stories anyway, even if they have to resign from the service to do so. Better to give them licence, goes the official reasoning, and retain some influence over what is published.

A MoD press officer has been sitting in on the former prisoners' interviews with newspapers. Such complicity reduces the likelihood of headlines proclaiming 'OUR COMMANDERS LET US DOWN, SAYS FREED HOSTAGE'.

An unholy alliance of ministers, admirals and former prisoners has concluded it is better to hang together than to hang separately. There are, you see, three parties to this story, all with interests to protect, an urgent anxiety to conceal dirty linen.

First, there is the Government, which continues to wage an unpopular and unwinnable war in Iraq, and thus is responsible for keeping our people in harm's way. Second, there is the Royal Navy, whose commanders set the rules and gave the orders which allowed its people to be surprised and captured. The First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Jonathon Band, has said: "We didn't think of ourselves as at war with Iran."

Here is the nub of the charge against his service and its senior officers. On shore, a few miles from HMS Cornwall, every British soldier has known for years that the Iranians are trying to kill our people, and horribly often succeeding. What happened to the British patrol on the Shatt-Al-Arab waterway reflected the fact that it is a long time since the Navy fought anybody. Senior officers were asleep on the bridge, metaphorically if not literally. They are now scrabbling to save their professional skins, and do not deserve to succeed.

Finally, of course, there are the sailors and marines themselves, desperate to justify their actions while in the hands of the Iranians. It is plainly true that, in keeping with the mood set by their commanders, they were not 'psyched up' to fight or to endure captivity. No one blames them for that.

It was also obviously right to surrender, once they found themselves trapped by the Iranians. If they had resisted, the outcome would have been the same, with blood on the water. It is in line with all instructions given by modern Western forces to their personnel, to give interrogators any information that is not operationally sensitive.

In this case, the prisoners could talk their heads off to the Iranians about the size of the washroom taps on HMS Cornwall without doing any harm. The questions and embarrassments relate exclusively to their TV apologies, and fulsome public gestures of thanks to the Iranian president for their release.

It is possible to feel sorry for the British captives and what they endured, while being utterly dismayed by what they said to the world. By their own accounts of their ordeal, the Iranians subjected them to frightening psychological pressures. But these were less severe than those to which the British Army subjected IRA suspects back in the Seventies - and a lot less nasty than the U.S. Army's treatment of captured insurgents in Iraq.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of what was done by everyone involved, the end of the story is that Britain was made to look impotent and ridiculous. The idea of anyone making big money out of their roles, whether blameworthy or not, disgusts most of us. To their credit, the two officers concerned have refused to profit personally from their stories. Most of the others, however, seem to be bought and paid for.

The precedent is awful. The British Army has been fighting for years to prevent its servicemen - and especially members of the SAS - from selling their stories. Ever since Andy McNab made himself a millionaire with his book Bravo Two Zero, an absolute ban has been sustained on repeat performances, enforced by seeking legal injunctions as far afield as New Zealand.

General Sir Peter de la Billiere, Britain's commander in the first Gulf War, was disgraced and forbidden to enter the SAS's base at Hereford, after writing a book in which he told stories of some of their actions. Many of the SAS men are authentic heroes. Again and again, I hear officers say: 'The untold stories of what the Hereford boys have done in Iraq and Afghanistan would keep Hollywood busy for a decade.' They could also, of course, make the soldiers involved rich men.

But the line has been held, the covenant of secrecy sustained - until now. What is an SAS sergeant, risking his life daily for a salary of under £30,000 a year, supposed to make of the Navy's prisoners collecting fortunes for less than a fortnight as impotent victims? 'Ah yes,' some admiral will say cleverly, 'but here there are no security considerations, such as applies to the SAS.' Tell that to the marines. Once the principle is breached, that members of the Armed Forces should not profit from selling their tales, it becomes anybody's game.

Do not underestimate how strongly feelings are running throughout the services today. First, many people in uniform share a sense of shame about the humiliation of the naval group. This is not how it is supposed to be, if you serve with the best Armed Forces of their size in the world. Now, overlaid on this, soldiers are expected to swallow the spectacle of sailors and marines involved in this sorry business getting rich out of it.

How would you feel, if you were a squaddy patrolling the streets of Basra for £14,000 a year, less than a week after four of your mates were blown to pieces doing the same thing? These are very bad times for our Armed Forces. This latest misjudgment reflects a crisis of leadership at the top.

Too many chiefs of staff, recent and current, are service bureaucrats without combat experience, anxious only to protect their own necks, to complete a safe passage to retirement without upsetting the politicians.

By this latest decision, they have betrayed hundreds of thousands of loyal, dedicated men and women who serve under the Union Flag. These, too, think that it stinks.

Террор, Образ жизни, Пресса, Цитатник, Британия

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