More than a family

Nov 29, 2012 01:07

Written for Leverageland Challenge No.'have no idea which number' -   prompt  More than a Team - it even won something.

Word Count: 733
Warnings (if any): UNBETAED, CRACK/AU
Submission: More than a family


Eliot Spencer wasn’t happy with Josh Rogers and Chris Downey, and when Eliot Spencer wasn’t happy with someone’s doings, those persons were in serious trouble. Serious, as in *sell your house and move to New Zealand* sort of trouble.

Except he was helpless.

He had two fathers who had tried to shape him into their precious little killer with the heart, capable of breaking someone’s neck and two minutes after that to coo over kids ( they thought it looked convincing), and the fact that he wasn’t alone in that shit wasn’t helping as much as it should. All five of them were pissed off, and their secret meetings in the brewery - which, by the way, was awful, uncomfortable and depressing place - continued every day, whenever they had a chance to gather without Two Fathers noticing it.

They all could live with that shit that they’ve put them through, they have no objections on that, but with the fifth season they crossed the line, definitely. It was hard enough to be a fictional character, but when you were in that shit, you deserved at least a little respect and care.

They’ve made them to care for each other, they’ve fucking played with their feelings and doings, scratching hundreds of their reactions without asking them what would they like to do… and now, they were preparing them to break their trust in each other.

Nate and Hardison wasn’t physically able to tell them what was going on - they all had a little switch that was tuned to the current plot twists, making them unable to break the rules ( too often), but they didn’t have to. All of them could come up with dozens of possible shitty and melodramatic fuck ups that Rogers and Downey considered as a great season finale. Hello, remember that constant walking away in five directions, with sightless looking into distance, so thoughtful and… pathetic? Disgraceful.

“Eliot and Sophie…” Nate said patting with his fingers on the counter. “You two take care of writers, both male and female. They’ll be delighted seeing you doing all that they wrote you do the best, and don’t disappoint them. Find out everything you can about their plans in Season six, and how they’re going to solve that mess they’ve put us into.”

“I’m tired of trust issues.” Sophie murmured. “And trusts betrayed.” her voice fluttered. “Especially with that awful selling of-” she bit her lip, forced to stop when she was about to say something that was her own knowledge. “You just don’t sell the members of your own…family. To anyone, ever!”

“Tell me about it.” Nate sighed. “They’re going to pay for this. Hardison, you have to make sure that we get the Season six.”

“Already on it.” the hacker was typing. “I dealt with People Choice awards, we are in the top five, and if we win that, chances are much bigger. The Grifters and The Kaniacs are working as we speak, they vote constantly, and I’m just helping a little - every vote counts as five.”

“Parker, you’ll go haunt Rogers and Dawney, but don’t overdo it - if you scare them too much, They might decide to kill you, and we’ll have more trouble to getting you out of that. Understood?”

“Yep.” Parker chirped. “No worries.”

Eliot just sighed and took another beer - at least he made Them to improve their beer so human beings were able to drink it without turning their bowels into purple slime - and thought about all complications that were put before them.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to speak with Devlin?” he asked Nate carefully.

“Not yet. He’s on our side for now, he doesn’t like their escapades as much as we don’t. Tears and tragedies are good things for ratings, but not when the next season is still not approved, and we are in danger to stay that way, without a possibility to make things right.”

Morose silence spread over the table, they all thought about that.

“They made a mistake.” Nate finally whispered. “They made us more than a team, they made us a family… and now they are going to see what it means. When we fight for what’s ours.”

Without another word, they all got up and went into five different directions. Yeah, it was not their fault, right?

The Hell was about to break loose.

family, leverage

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