Confession #006 - The Floo Network

Jan 16, 2006 18:51

So here's the deal, I decided to make the first (that I know of) active blogcrew on LJ and it's going to be a HP one because there are enough characters to get a good group going. And what I mean by active is that you're going to be adding 42 people to your friends list after you join. This is not just a claims list. I'm not resurrecting my old blogcrews, (Troy, Newsies, POTC, etc.) unless you want me to.

THE FLOO NETWORK: a harry potter blogcrew
Last updated: September 09, 2007

a b o u t:
The purpose of this blogcrew is to meet other LJ-ers who are fans of Harry Potter. If you're interested in becoming a member of the crew, please read the rules before applying. Thanks!

r u l e s:
  1. You must be a fan of HP. (duh!) ;)
  2. You must have an LJ that you update often. It doesn't have to be updated daily, but it'd be nice if you update more than once a month.
  3. LJs that are filled entirely with quizzes or no entries at all will not be accepted.
  4. LJs must have at least 20 written entries, just so I know that you are consistent in your journaling. I had to add this rule because I let people with less than 5 entries in and they totally deserted their journal. :(
  5. Your LJ must be a personal LJ, not a graphics only journal nor a fandom only journal. It wouldn't be fair for others if you are able to read up on their private lives when they can't do the same for you.
  6. To keep this crew active, you must be willing to interact with the other members. Get to know them through their journals. That's the whole point of this crew after all.
  7. Check the characters list to make sure that the character you want isn't already taken. [Open status = character up for grabs] To see a complete list of characters check out Witches & Wizards from A to Z
  8. And lastly, after you've been accepted, please put the blogcrew code up on your userinfo page and add every single member of the blogcrew to your friends list.

c h a r a c t e r    l i s t:

Abbott, Hannah - [open]
Black, Sirius - blaze @ theoneontheleft
Black, Narcissa - amy @ amyambyamly
Black, Regulus - jackii @ sensiblemaniac
Bones, Susan - [open]
Brown, Lavender - becca & xoxmm
Chang, Cho - rachel renee @ yallreadyforthi
Delacour, Fleur - cheryl @ xxcherylannxx
Delacour, Gabrielle - lyn @ destinedtofly
Diggory, Cedric - [open]
Dumbledore, Albus - [open]
Finnigan, Seamus - amie @ mireille_x
Flint, Marcus - [open]
Granger, Hermione - mandy @ lady_lily
Greengrass, Daphne - jasmine @ thatssoninties_
Hedwig - leenus spher @ lspher
Jones, Hestia - jamie @ shimmereys
Jones, Megan - evmorfia @ silmarwen_85
Krum, Viktor - maggie @ chaotic_vanity
Lestrange, Bellatrix - jessyka @ gwenlliana
Longbottom, Neville - michele @ mishey22
Lovegood, Luna - emmy @ ladybrighid3333
Lockhart, Gilderoy - [open]
Lupin, Remus - jimi @ jimidragon
Malfoy, Draco - melinda @ motormouthmili
Malfoy, Lucius - safi @ carib_beauty91
Moody, Alastor - nozomi @ nozomi
Myrtle, Moaning - [open]
McGonagall, Minerva - taryn @ tricki_nicki
Parkinson, Pansy - cleo @ cleo_dumbledore
Patil, Padma - janine @ sexyjohnlennon
Patil, Parvati - [open]
Pettigrew, Peter - [open]
Potter, Harry - chrissy @ prongssy
Potter, James - debzie @ magicalspirit
Potter, Lily - genna @ thebigpicture
Riddle, Tom - [see Voldemort]
Rosier, Evan - [open]
Skeeter, Rita - mahrie @ mahrie_is
Snape, Severus - julie @ valaseren (me!)
Spinnet, Alicia - ashley @ amoureux_rose
Thomas, Dean - [open]
Tonks, Andromeda - etcetera @ l_invern
Tonks, Nymphadora - lexy @ lexy_malfoy
Trelawney, Sybill - [open]
Umbridge, Dolores - jo @ upstart_crow
Voldemort - [open]
Weasley, Bill - mel @ halcyon
Weasley, Charlie - brooke @ panda_pantsss
Weasley, Fred - envy @ envyious
Weasley, George - liz @ bluegemeyes
Weasley, Ginny - tiffany @ springfrost
Weasley, Molly - samantha @ guardian_angels
Weasley, Ron - rei @ hieis_girl1
Wood, Oliver - kallie @ dontstoplying
Zabini, Blaise - [open]

j o i n:

Please comment with the following info -
Character Name:
LJ username: your username here

t h e    f a m i l y:
Let's be siblings! :) If you would like to affiliate with this blogcrew, please reply to this entry. :)
batkissesblogcrew_mania (26 BCs to choose from!)
envyiousPirates of the Caribbean Blogcrew
forever3330Multifandom Blogcrews (39 BCs to choose from!)
honest_illusionChronicles of Narnia Blogcrew
lspherMultifandom Blogcrews (10 BCs to choose from!)
mireille_xohthatssohot (154 BCs to choose from!)
musagirl15X-Men Evolution Blogcrew
princesspolarisPeanuts Blogcrew

p i m p    i t:

Pimping isn't mandatory, but it'd be nice if ya did.

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