Mar 04, 2003 10:10
Monday: Cubs. We dealt in collections. The boys (and dads) were suitably impressed with my SW action figure collection. We had cars and coins and stamps.
Tuesday: Tonight is parent night for the GT project fair. My Viking bunny!
Wed & Thurs: free
Friday: badge workshop, Yarn & Fiber arts. Make sure Bunny has a T-shirt and pillow case. And get magnets
Maybe somewhere in there I can get the whole midichlorian nightmare to quit kicking me. I thought about using mitochondria, but don't know enough about cellular biology to do that. Hells, i know nothing about biology! Life science in 7th grade and genetics in college. I made it through my education without dissecting anything but a gladiola.
Still getting kicked by the 3PO story too.
Writing isn't happening.