But Wendy, I don't want you to go

Aug 07, 2005 23:27

So, the end of QAF.

No more weekly smut.
No more laughing with Mudd at the silly parts, and pouncing him after an exceptionally hot sex scene.

I felt a twinge as we took it off our Season Pass list for TiVO.

May the actors gain the work they want.

True it was "just" a soap opera. It was pretty upwardly mobile white folks with Teh Gay. But it was groundbreaking. No more suicidal queens. No more miserable queers. The lesbians were about as femme as could be, but you believed they loved each other. The men kissed and had sex on screen, unlike the minstrelry of other "gay" shows. Sex, drugs, plastic surgery, bashing, bigotry, there was no place they were afraid to go.

They kept the characters consistant and yet let them grow. And almost everyone got a happy continuation.

We won't see its like again.

The subject line is, to me, the perfect Brian Kinney line. It sums him up, his relation with Linz, and everything.

I liked the ending. I do not believe in a rebuilt Babylon. I think it was a last fantasy dance amid the rubble of the past before moving on to the future.

Also, Mudd's QAF vids have been getting mondo downloads.

I think I'll make and enter a Debbie vest in the Mid South Fair. That oughta put some knots in some knickers. If they even let me enter it. If not, I may just have to WEAR it for the fair.

gay, fandom

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