New things I learned this weekend (besides a bunch of publishing leads)

Apr 04, 2005 19:28

Cheeblemancy! (Cheeble being the war-cry of the enraged bull-hamster)

The Giant Pandas cut a record at Sun Studios. And Elvis could eat twice his weight in bamboo.

Full Stormtrooper kit costs about $500.

Selina's boobs do not fit in the corner. (Esther made her stand in the corner for badness)

That I can indeed get a rap song stuck in my head. At least the musical part. "Stealing like a Hobbit" has been on regular repeat.

That I must make Bunny do the Y-O-D-A dance for me.

That I can consume more caffiene than is legal, safe or even prudent.

Media West is chintzy on their masquerade prizes. MidSouth gives out certificates and free passes for next year to all winners, and $50 prizes to 3 different categories. You'd think MWC could at least do certificates for all winners.


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