Apr 15, 2012 21:27
1) On writing. Stephen King
2) The Shunned House. H.P. Lovecraft
3) Love, Hina. manga
4) The Harlequin. Laurell K Hamilton
5) Websites for Dummies
6) A Princess of Mars. Edgar Rice Burroughs
7) Fall of the House of Usher. Edgar Allan Poe
8) Cain's Apples. Bryan L. Lee
9) Arts and Carfts Business startup
10) Alliegance to a Dead Man. Sara M. Harvey
11) Infinity. Elizabeth Donald.
12) Danse Macabre. Laurell K. Hamillton
13) The Gods of Mars. Edgar Rice Burroughs
14) The Warlord of Mars. Edgar Rice Burroughs.