I am not paranoid.
I am not delusional.
I was there when this stuff was starting 25 years ago. Why do you THINK I have 4 kids?
Read it. Read all of it.
http://www.politicususa.com/en/radical-dominionists "The goal of Christian Dominionism is to abolish Separation of Church and State and to establish the United States as a distinctively Christian Nation based upon Old Testament Mosaic Law. Dominionism is an umbrella term that harbors many divergent groups claiming a foundation in Christianity. You must be “born again”…accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour…and profess your personal relationship with Christ.” All Christians are not Dominionist, but all Dominionists claim Christianity." (emphasis mine)
"[Dominionists] do not recognize any other version of Christian faith that does not comply strictly to their definition of Christianity. You must be born again; accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour; and profess a personal relationship with Him - period. All others who are considered mainline Christians are considered by these Dominonists as the “wrong kind of Christian”.
These people are tied to secessionists, to militias and now have high level capitalists bankrolling them. They're getting elected, at local, state and Federal levels. This is why we're seeing crap like "death penalty for miscarriages" laws.
Have I not been yelling about this for years? Wake up an VOTE, dammit. And watch out for those mouthing "family values" or "patriotic" or "constitutional" rhetoric. If you aren't female, queer or "non-Christian" (by their standards), you love people who are.