Oh, dear Lord... how did you get this?
Which Chick from Order of the Phoenix Are You? (Spoilers) brought to you by
Quizilla You write angst, angst, and more angst. For you, a
story isn't a story unless someone gets
molested/tortured/humiliated/abused. That's
okay, though; nobody writes angst better than
you! Not only that, but your plotlines, however
dark, are quite often very original. Those who
can stomach what you dish out will gladly
attest to your greatness and brilliance. Some
might even call you a god! A rather cruel god,
but a god nonetheless. Your writing is probably
hauntingly beautiful, and someone who's read
your stuff will never forget it.
What Kind of Fanfiction Writer Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla ***PITTA***
Your ayurvedic body type (dosha) is PITTA, composed
of the elements Fire and Water.
Pittas are strong-willed, fiery, light-eyed people
with warm, oily skin and good circulation who
tend to gain or lose weight easily. When
stressed, Pittas become irritable, angry, and
frustrated. Inflammations, rashes, ulcers,
heartburn, and fevers are common Pitta
ailments. Pittas do better in cool environments
and plenty of outlets for their energy.
To keep your dosha in balance, keep cool in your
emotions, your body, and your food. Avoid
caffeine, salt, alcohol, fried foods and oil,
red meat, and hot spices. Eat lots of fresh,
raw fruits and vegetables, dairy foods, and
whole grains, and emphasize sweet, bitter and
astringent flavors. Get plenty of fresh air
and find constructive ways to air out your
emotions and opinions as well.
If you really want to be miserable: Drink lots of
booze and eat lots of red meat and salty, spicy
food. Wear tight, hot clothes. Find the
hottest, stuffiest place you can, then stay
there. Do things you find frustrating and
bottle up your feelings about it.
What's your Ayurvedic Body Type? brought to you by