Mar 27, 2007 23:01
Okay, so this is my initial entry. As the primary intent of this LJ is to keep a running tab of injuries, it seems prudent to start w/ a list of some background injuries. Sorry, no really gory injuries to date.
Work Related:
So far (nearly 3 years in) no MAJOR injuries, *knock on wood* I've been to the ER 4 times. Twice for eye injuries, once for a leg injury to confirm it wasn't a blood clot (that was in August, and it's almost healed now) and once for a nasty Little scratch that was worth 6 months of blood work. I'll have to post that story at some point.
Countless bruises and bruises, some wear & tear on my wrist, that's about it.
On separate occasions, I dislocated both my shoulders playing football in high school. Consequently, I have a permanently winged right scapula. I can wake up with either hurting on any given day.