the nature of good and evil. or the lighter side of being an pig head.

Oct 01, 2007 06:09

And now for more of the word accourding to Chuck.  ( my lawyers would like me to point out that I am a card carrying athiest and as such make no qualifications as to which word. or for that matter spelling. allso no purchase necessary, void where prohibated. ect. ect.)
ok back to our ragulary schedualed program.

logical people like to believe there is no good or eil. right or wrong or black and white. they profess that the world is made up of shades of grey. that things are complicated and that you have to understand were people are coming from and what there motivations are and other crap that makes it anyones fault but the duechbag thats accually comitting said offence. that is of course if its really an offence and not something I'm supposed to deal with because some other ass hat has the right to be a duechbag.

the truth is the that there is evil in the world. and it stands to reason there is good allso. that meens things can be and often are black and white. those states being the basis for your shades of grey after all. there is right and wrong and you and only you are resposable for the choices you make. life is hard suck it up and buy a helmet. 
if you were abused as a child your dad was a asswhole. if you grow up and do the same thing to your kids guess what. yours an asswhole.

once again you are the only person resposable for your actions. its an unfortunate side effect of sentience.
so if you choose to exercise your freedom of speach as protected by the constitution by say burning an effigy of an american soldier on your front lawn you should not expect to be arrested. you should allso no be suprised when the war vetran that lives down the street from you beats you half to death and sets your car on fire.

I could play with examples all day but I think you get the point.

the upshot is make a stand define some things as white and some as black be comfortable with them and the rest of your life becomes much easier.

good luck and good day 

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