Critical Self-Evaluation

Aug 30, 2013 11:31

So, the story I am most proud of is Ten Tiny Fingernails. A lot of the angst is very personal to me, except for the having a baby bit. With my science work load, I doubt if I could keep a goldfish alive, let alone a baby. But it was pretty cathartic to get out some of my angst via Rachel.
A relevant and special Women in Science issue of Nature.

The story I'm most disappointed in is Truth Takes Time (rated M/E). I thought it was a great concept, but near the middle I felt like I was pulling my punches, and I really felt like I ended it on a flat note.

I guess the moral of this story is write what you know, and I don't know what it's like being held captive by my brother-in-law for four fraking years. Probably a good thing.

Anywho, I'm not sure if this is actually how you are supposed to use LJ, but it's a journal right?

(c) rachel matheson, introspection, angst

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