Jun 11, 2008 09:25
This post is unfortunatly. not going to include a whole bunch of pictures. But I can finally update again! Over the weekend, Bill and I spent and exhorbitant amount of time starting our band on Rock band. I am the singer, and he is the drummer. It is unfortunate that it is just the two of us because the computer animated guitar player is a bit scary. But we had a really good time.
We are full into summer here, and this is the last week of school. I kissed my babies to bed last night and the smelled like sunscreen and baths. I LOVE that even when you give them a bath there is still that lingering summer/sunscreen smell. It is so peaceful to me. I know that they have been outside, and had such a good day. I love it. It was so sweet to watch their little sleeping faces and see how serene they were after a fun day!
We did have a difficult weekend. Samantha basically stopped breathing Sunday night, and we took her to the ER, at St. Mary's in Livonia. I can now say NEVER take you child to that hospital. Due to the sheer genius of the way God works just as she started to have problems breathing my mom called and said she was on her way over because they were locked out of the house and needed a key. (The power had gone off and they could not open the garage). As soon as my mom the nurse got there, she said she needed to go in right away and get a breathing treatment.
We took Samantha to the hospital, and they got us in right away, but we waited for almost an hour to see the doctor. He came in for literally 20 seconds and said she was fine. At this point she was still breathing really hard. They ordered a chest xray to make sure she hadn't swallowed anything, and to make sure it was not pneumonia, and it came out clear. Then the doctor said we could go home, I was not satisfied with that and I said she is still wheezing and gasping for breath, I think she needs a breathing treatment. But NO, he refused one....and it gets worse. The discharge nurse came in to give us our "instructions" for at home. She said just give her plenty of fluids, and give her a decongestant and a cough suppressent.
My mouth literally dropped open. What do you mean a cough suppresent and decongestant I said? And she said, you know. Dextromorphen. Well, any parent knows that dextromorphen in kids under 2 can be fatal, or can make them severely ill. Not to mention the fact that sudafed has recently been reccomended to not be given before 2 either. I say she might want to recheck her paperwork, and she just rolls her eyes at me, and says bring her in if she starts gasping for air or starts wheezing. And I just got even more angry. I know I should have stayed calm, but I was really angry now. So, I say "you mean besides the wheezing and shortness of breath she is currently experiencing?" She says it has to be "worse than that." And we are expected to leave.
We went home, and it was almost 10 at this point...3 hours completely wasted. Samantha was breathing a little better so we decided to put her to bed, and I would sleep on the floor to monitor her. She evened out a bit more, but the next morning. She worsened again, and I rushed her into my pediatrician. (I love her). They checked her oxygen levels, and she was at a 92-93. That is bad for those of you who don't know, and they gave her a breathing treatment. She has bronchilitis, or viral induced asthma.
That was followed by breathing treatments every 4-6 hours at home, and we are currently on 5 days of steroids to get her back to normal. I am SO glad that she is finally getting better, but still really bent out of shape at that ER. I am glad that I had the knowledge to NOT give her the reccomended medications and I worry about the other mothers who will go there and not know the same things.
She is MUCH better today, she is no longer looking hollow, and is starting to get back to her old self. She is not wheezing as bad, and her cold is going away.
Tuesday was better, Phebe' school had their awards ceremony, and she got 4 awards, she got the Kindergarten citizenship award, she was the best in gym (haha so cute), and she got perfect attendance for 2 quarters, and she made Kindergarten Honor Roll all four quarters. We are SO proud of her. And this weekend she is going out for icecream as a special treat.