Jan 31, 2003 14:53
So You Want to Remain On King Elessar's Royal Property And Mooch Off His Family But Not Swear An Oath of Loyalty, Eh?
Just who do you think you are: King Princess Valandil of Arnor Dol Amroth
Is that your real name: Yes.
Kiss your mother with that mouth: Yes
So what's your problem with swearing loyalty to a respected war hero anyway: He's my greatgreatgreatgreatgreat etc. grandson. It would feel odd.
Why do you think you're entitled to live off the Royal Family's generosity: If it weren't for me he wouldn't exist. But I'm leaving soon anyway so it's all good.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood: Four bushchords
Do you ever try to touch the maid's bum: Yup
So who do you think should be Elessar's heir:
[ ] Eldarion
[ ] Rogue (Galdrial)
[ ] Ekkaira
[ ] Mini
[ ] Celebel
[ ] Vialitsina
[x] Someone other than one of his kids (Please specify: _Liv__)
[ ] Knock Arwen up again and see if the next one turns out any better.
Is this form cool or what: Sure
But you're not just refusing to swear the oath just so you can fill out the form, are you: Of course not