Note to Yuletide Writer

Dec 24, 2013 15:54

I probably will be able to read and comment on my Yuletide story within 24 hours after the collection opens, but because I'm visiting family, don't have my own computer with me, am still recovering from illness and resting a lot, etc. if I don't respond to the story very soon, it's because I haven't got around to reading it for some reason and want to give it proper concentration when I can. But I will read it, and will comment, so don't fret if it takes a while.

Also, should the collection open only very late on the 25th, I probably won't read it that day because I'm on GMT +2 timezone and not a night person. On 26th I will spend a part of the day travelling, and don't know which part, and on the 27th I'll be working, so if I should happen to get something in Madness or if the main collection opens very late, these may influence when I can focus on reading my story, too.
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