Could it possibly, possible be? Could it come true?

Mar 13, 2013 16:13

I can't help it, I know I'm crazy to get excited because this is madness, it is way too much money, it is not going to happen. They're only at 10% of their goal. How can you raise 2 million dollars through individual donations of $20, $30? Impossible. It is an impossible dream.

Then again, in the last fifteen minutes since I opened the Kickstarter page, they've gone from $185K to $240K. That is fast. That is not inconsiderable.

And the video, guys, the video. It's so perfect and brilliant and I loooooooove them. Why can't I be an investor? I'd give them all my money if it was going to be paid back...

Okay, maybe not all. I'm just a crazy fan, not a crazy person :)

ETA: and IT'S ON! They reached their goal of 2 million dollars in just under 11 hours! I can't believe it. The movie will be made!!!

Some quibbles on the subject if you're interested!

tv, this just in!, veronica mars

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