Who feels like a little feminist rage?

Aug 27, 2012 11:21

Working on our September movie preview for Relatively Entertaining, I read a summary of and watched the trailer for the upcoming Bachelorette - and if that sounds barely distinguishable from Bridesmaids to you, that's obviously the point.

Though this is not really my type of movie, I was pleased to see a comedy helmed by three women, especially since one of them was Lizzy Caplan (Janice Ian from Mean Girls, and also one of the stars of Party Down). Kirsten Dunst I sometimes like and sometimes don't. Isla Fisher I pretty much can't stand.

I began to be troubled, though, by their character descriptions in the plot summary:

Regan (Kirsten Dunst) is an overachieving, uber-Maid of Honor who's secretly smarting over the fact that she's not the first to marry, while Gena (Lizzy Caplan) is a whip smart sarcastic who's actually a closet romantic, and Katie (Isla Fisher) is a ditzy beauty who loves the good life. But when Becky insists on keeping the bachelorette party tame, the women proceed with an after-hours celebration of their own.

Oh good, the high-powered, efficient woman who is really pining over her single status! And the clever woman whose wit masks her longing for a man! Oh yes, and the ditz! How did you know to put three of my favorite things in one place, screenwriters?

But to really feel the feminist rage, you have to watch the trailer. Because when you do, you discover...

@ 0:14, that women are never happy to learn that their friends are marrying, because it just rubs in the fact that they themselves are still single
@ 1:00, that the bachelorettes consider themselves too good for the bride and her other friends
@ 1:12, that the bachelorettes spend part of the night before the wedding making fun of their friend the bride's weight
@ 1:40, that men who feel anxiety need to "man up" and hit things
and @ 1:44...

No. There is no recounting this exchange of dialogue. It must be heard to be believed.

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movies, this just in!

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