So... I'm clairvoyant.
Yesterday I woke up with Regina Spektor's "
The Call" stuck in my head. This struck me as odd, since I hadn't heard the song for months, and I hadn't seen Prince Caspian (the song plays over the final scene-jarringly, I might add) since it was in theaters. Aside from a reference to Ben Barnes in LJ comments last week, I hadn't thought about PC or Regina Spektor for some time. But I couldn't stop singing the few lyrics I remembered.
At midday I went down to the local office of the internet/cable provider to talk them about how they keep messing up my bill. It's a dinky room that looks more like a betting office than anything, but there was a big TV. Playing Prince Caspian. The END of Prince Caspian. I wasn't there five minutes before Regina Spektor's voice started floating through Narnia.
Conclusion? I have wholly useless special powers.