I finally got caught up on Monday so here are
my thoughts:
I rather liked the stuff with Kara and the piano player. I honestly didn't call that he was a hallucination (or a projection of some kind, like Harvey-Six?) until right before it was revealed. This rules out Kara-as-a-war-baby, but could still be seen as support for the Kara-as-the-first-Half-Cylon theory. I sure hope it's that.
I wish Kara had confided in Lee as she'd intended to do, though. His adorable "you're here, I'm here, that's all that matters" felt too tragic and doomed to me, with her beautiful smile and then placement of her own picture on the wall. As if Lee is clinging to the past, and she's beyond him. Nooooooooo! (Also, how come, other than that moment, Lee gets to do nothing these days but pose with his hair tousled artfully and shout political things? Lee is my FAVORITE CHARACTER, people! I need you to give him real material if I'm going to be happy with the end of this show. I don't need yet another scene of Adama having a meltdown or tossing back some whiskey or staring at the ship or having a meltdown.)
I like that they started to do something redemptive with Baltar... but geez, twice now they've given us the indication he was really growing as a person (the first time was the Pegasus trilogy) and twice they've had him follow it up with some colossally stupid move. Outing Kara seemed like a great idea why?
Oh Boomer. I am SO DISAPPOINTED in you. If only you'd had any interiority over the past two seasons, maybe we'd have a clue about why you'd act this way.
If you posted about these episodes would you pleeeeeeease leave me a link in the comments?