
Aug 18, 2009 11:16

Very unspecific, mostly critical comments of the dumbing down of Julie in the Julie/Julia movie, but cut just in case:

GOOD GOD but they made Julie a marshmallow of no uncertain terms. Yes, it's a good movie about Julia Child. Fabulous in parts, actually. It's shit about Julie, though.

The more time I've had to think, the angrier I got. Fine, someone not a legend merits no attention to detail? It made her cooking seem trivial - sweet - aw, look, she has something to do. This child-woman, this sweet, bland pixie.

This woman - in reality - frequently stayed up until 3am to cook and pursue her passion. She ate aspic for weeks. She swore like a sailor and was in no uncertain terms a woman who spoke her mind. She knew the name of every good chef for miles. And no matter how much I love Amy Adams (see Junebug! Just see it!), why the HELL did they have to soften Julie and turn her into paste? Can the world not handle an angry woman, an honest woman, a woman with zest? Why do you have to be a legend to be treated with honesty, integrity, and given interesting dialogue?

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