Nov 09, 2004 14:35
Annie is one of the most interesting people I know, she lives a very digitally integrated life in which she makes multiple journal entries into her “day to day” blog well… daily.
She ALSO has a livejournal, AND a myspace account. And those are just the online identities that I am privy to. She rides, runs, speaks broken Spanish, seems to enjoy the outdoors (der, as evidenced by the riding and running) perfect woman right? Hmm, well something that has always bothered me about her is that nothing is exclusive, though I think that’s more of a me issue than a her issue. I suppose that by letting most everyone in on most everything you ensure that those who know the most about you care enough to do so because it’s all out there for the taking.
So why does this bother me? I don’t know, chalk it up to insecurity I guess. If you really look at it objectively, passing of information in the most efficient way really is the best way to go. It’s the emotional transference that comes with receiving exclusive or unique information… yeah. Something like that. Hmm, interesting how these things become more clear to you when you write them out for you to see.
SO does that mean that documenting ones life in public is the surest path to true understanding for oneself and the safest method of surrounding oneself with truly caring friends?
Lustful obsessions aside anyway.
Possibly, I guess you should just do what works for you. Hah, if you hate repeating yourself I suppose that it makes sense to ensure that there’s only one phrase that you need bother repeating.
“Check my day to day”