(no subject)

Jul 19, 2007 22:29

I have decided I'm going to update my friends list. And by update I mean I'm going to kick a whole bunch of people off.

In case I've kicked you off my friends list and you actually want to be on there, leave me a message somewhere, here for instance.  (Changes will be put through friday morning my time, so if you're off my friends list on Fridaymorning (US time) or Friday afternoon (European time) you can consider yourself being deleted)

I know that the last few weeks my posts have been all about me being sick. I get that this might start to bore people a little, but seriously, it is absolutely all that's going on in my life right now.

Somehow being sick really shows you who your friends are. Which should be reflected in my friends list. Now I'm not talking about people who never post. I mean, people who are only on here once a month or less aren't expected to comment or whatever, they might've missed my health trouble completely. But within the people who do post regularly I will delete everyone who hasn't commented, or called, or e-mailed  or something even once since I've been hospitalized.

The people who'll be removed might find me bitter, but really, I just don't feel like sharing my life with people who obviously don't care about it at all.

So if you do want to keep updated, think you might be 'kicked off' and don't want that to happen, let me know, otherwise, by tomorrow, you're off my friends list.

No bitterness, no hard feelings, if I see you in person I will still hang out, talk to you, or do whatever we usually do, I just don't need you on the list...

And for something completely different, between here and hyves there's a tie between Sandokan and Herman... So put in your votes by clicking here!!! Voting counts as being in touch with me ;)
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