Jun 13, 2007 20:07

It didn't take much to notice something was wrong. It never does. Realizing it was a whole 'nother story.

One's instincts always pick up the subtle clues that the mind tries to block out. And when all those clues can no longer be overlooked, the brain has funny ways of just shutting them out. "Of course today feels a little off - you got four hours of sleep," or "you just sat through an 11 hour conference at work - you must be day dreaming." Or worst of all, "Nobody, unreasonable or otherwise, is trying to convince you to let them eat your brains, turn off the damn iPod." A competent mind will lie to itself for as long as possible in order to delude itself that it is still sane.

When you finally stop just noticing and start actually realizing what's going on, instincts kick in but the mind goes into overdrive to make up for its own obstinance. My first instinct is to simultaneously warn others and call for help, but my head rushes ahead and points out that there is nobody left to warn just as there nobody left to save me. laurion   is long gone. lordameth   and in_water_writ   too. bleemoo   seems to have gone into hiding, but I doubt he stayed hidden. None of his SOs were with him and if he's any kind of man he's going to go save at least one. I hope to god he realizes rigel   is already one of them before trying to make contact with her.

What else can I do but hole up and wait for this whole thing to blow over? If by some strange chance anyone else sees this before they get to you, I strongly urge you to do what I'm doing. Isolate yourself completely. Just ignore the madness out there. If you think about joining in, I realize you probably have the best intentions, but in the end you'll just be one of them. Despite my best effort to cut myself off from it, I'm still surrounded by zombie posts. Seriously, the zombie posts have taken over my entire friends page. Sometimes they pretend to be ordinary entries describing someone's day, but in the end the zombies always win.

BLITEOTW is an awesome idea. I saw a couple posts and just had to participate. Then I saw a couple more posts and was demoralized because I didn't think anything I'd write would live up to that. So I did what I usually do and took things in another direction.

I've always liked playing with someone's basic assumptions. Letting them think you're talking about something you're not and maintaining that for as long as possible has always been fun for me. It's not so much that I like twist endings as I like double meanings and ideas that mean different things depending on the context. That said, I did like the twist here. It was more fun than something completely out of left field.

I'm posting this extra commentary to talk about my own creativity. I think I value originality a little too much. I'd much rather come up with something nobody has seen before than the quintessential version of a standard archetype. I definitely tried to do this in BK and I think that may have been a weakness. Rather than just do a sketch I had to have my own little slant on it. Sometimes that helped out but sometimes it didn't. There are a lot of ideas that have never been done before because everyone else realized they weren't worth doing. I feel like a lot of the time I'm so biased in favor of my own originality that I can't evaluate whether something is still a good idea. I'm a little curious to see if a) the content of the post worked and b) if it was actually a good idea or if I should have done yet another zombie post instead (no offense to those of you who did do yet another zombie post - I enjoyed reading all of them).
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