Musings and ramblings

May 27, 2015 17:32

Cannot believe that May is about 'done and gone' already. It has been an up and down month with my foot acting up and no one can figure out why. It isn't great to wake up and limp around going 'ow, ow, ow with every step. But nothing shows up in the blood work, on x-ray or even on an MRI I had at 11 p.m. one night. Next up is a rheumatology consult but not until late July. The good news is my cancer numbers have come down, though the platelets, RBC's and White counts are down. Still, I am doing pretty well and I want to continue to improve so am trying to get back to Tai Chi and today walked 2 miles on the treadmill. Consider that a big win.

Had a nice Memorial Day weekend. Got together with the Friends on Friday and went out for supper. Had a very nice salad and an appetizer of crab cakes. Most everyone else got the 'slider 5 oz hambuger. On Saturday met the girls and we agreed to get together Sunday night instead of the actual Memorial Day. I hadn't had a group over since Christmas eve because of the health issues, but decided it was time. I made sloppy joes, white acre peas, fresh white corn on the cob, and we had a nice salad. Momcat brought over a raspberry and a peach sorbet that we had later. Before that we rewatched Galaxy Quest which we hadn't seen in a long time. Forgot how much I liked that movie. I think that was the general consensus of opinion by everyone. On Monday I drove over to look at the memorial display put on by some of the veterans. They place small tombstones all along a park showing all the losses that have occurred to our troops since the early Desert Storm to now. It is quite moving to see how much sacrifice our people have made.

Been watching all the flooding and rains in Texas. I used to live right outside Houston and know how quickly that area can be inundated with water. There were times that, even after a big thunderstorm, one couldn't drive on the roads due to them being submerged. Remember a time when my Mom had to be boated out as my Dad was at work and couldn't get back to her over the roads. Feel so bad for all those people. I think Mother Nature is getting back at us.

While having breakfast and reading the paper on a leisurely morning, looked out the window and there were all sorts of birds trying to get into the birdbath. There were cardinals, chicadees, bluebirds and a couple I didn't recognize. Usually the cardinals are bit of bullies and scare the others off, but there was actually some sharing going on. A couple of wrens keep trying to get on my porch to build a nest. Have had to get rid of it three times! I leave the screen door partially opened for the stray cat I feed and she was just sitting there looking at them. Probably thinking "Oh goody, appetizers."

Think I have seen most of the finale's from the T.V, shows I watch. Liked the Flash, Gotham, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Elementary, Marvel A of S, among others. Didn't like that I have to wait for some continuations, like the Blacklist, but knew there would be some. Supernatural had to have one of course.
I am happy that Major Crimes is coming back on soon. Will have to see if any summer shows turn out to be good.

The other night, I watch The Hundred Foot Journey that I checked out from the Library. It was a thoroughly enjoyable movie. I always like Helen Mirren but didn't know any of the rest of the cast. There were some scenes I didn't expect and the whole show just made me feel good. If one like the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, I was told this reminded them of it. For me, not so much, just one I liked.

Summertime temperatures and afternoon rains are now starting. We do need the rain in my neighborhood and I am trying only to water on the days allotted to our street. Going to have a big landscaping job done in just over a week. My back flower bed is really in need of redoing. So getting some new plants, mulch, and shrubs put where others have died or are doing badly. Lost a small palm due to the freeze we had back in the winter. Don't usually have temps that go down into the low 20's for as long as these did. So they are going to put a new small palm in to replace the one that is beginning to look as if I am growing straw.

Well, hope everyone is going to have a great summer and enjoys the beach, mountains, or cities where the vacations occur.
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