i just got back from a long walk in the city, i had to go to the temp office so i walked all the way up there, headphones on, 5F_55 is reflected to 5F-X playing... i love to walk around and being cut off from everything around me, seeing it, but not hearing anything of whats happening, its like watching a movie (and then suddenly we're acting in it, HAH)...
tonight i have to work! from 10pm till 6am in a volvo factory, doing qualitycheck of carparts... not the most exciting thing but i dont care, its work, its at night so it pays well... its only for one night, so far anyway, i might have to go back next week...
tomorrownight is partynight! finally going to a good party again, its been sooo long, since the last woodparty in november actually, i'm looking forward to hear some good pumpin loud music all night long, need to get some stuff out of my system...
Hardcore Room
22h-00h: Dyna vs Djulez: havent seen them in such a long time, northfrench people, used to see them at the french hardcore parties 4 years ago
00h-01h: Atavistik Avatar
01h-02h: Krapo Live
02h-03h: AK47
03h-04h: Bryan Fury Live: too bad he plays at the same time as fringeli...
04h-05h: Speedloader
05h-06h: Paranoid vs Mushroom
06h-07h: Etree Live
Breakcore / XP / Noize Room
22h-23h: Ratatac
23h-00h: ALF
00h-01h30: Tim Terror: giving mister pim a ride there so i dont have to pay to get in... w00t
01h30-02h30: Maruosa Live: didnt know he was playing untill 5 minutes ago, looking forward to that
02h30-04h: Christoph Fringelli: yes! mister cf, will be good to hang out with him again
04h-05h: Noize Creator Live: well i hope he plays better than all the times i've seen him before :-0
05h-06h: 6TEM2BASS Live
06h-07h: Sim on kore funkel Live
flyer looks pretty lame, like a gabberflyer,
but then again half of the party is hardcore