Jan 26, 2009 11:53
Los Angeles, CA
January 26, 2009
The Honorable Senator Barbara Boxer
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Fax: (202) 224-0454
Dear Senator Boxer,
Over the weekend I have had a chance to read through the 647 pages of HR1 of the 111th congress. I appreciate the economic crisis which the United States is currently experiencing, and the urge of our leaders to take bold action. However, I believe the Recovery Act, as currently written, will make things worse, not better.
One of the factors which I think brought on this crisis is that individuals and institutions, private and governmental, have forgotten a basic economic truism - do not spend money you don't have. We already have a deficit of close to a trillion dollars, and with the swipe of a pen, if this bill is signed - it will double. Spending by the Federal government at this juncture should be reigned in as opposed to become limitless.
HR1 includes many ideas, policies, and projects which have been considered and pushed by members of congress for years. The impression is that congress is taking this economic crisis as an opportunity to pass them under the guise of recovery. The sense of urgency should not cloud our judgment - the citizens' and the legislature's.
Tax relief and specific steps to address the housing crisis will be useful at this point. Any other spending program should be deliberated separately for it's own merits.
As your constituent, I urge you to oppose HR1.
Respectfully yours,
Los Angeles, CA