MySpace suckage

Mar 06, 2008 18:50

I'm sure there are plenty of reasons to dislike MySpace. A couple years ago I actually got an account on MySpace and didn't do much of anything with it. In the last few months I have been getting e-mail notices that I have messages on MySpace. The e-mail only tells me I have messages, not what the messages are. I don't know if they're just spam, or something actually worthwhile. I'd have to log in to read them. And to log in, I need my password. Alas, I do not recall what password I used.

No big deal, just use the Forgot your password? link, right? Wrong! Evidently MySpace can send me e-mail just fine if it's a message notice, but not if I request password information. Even though it's going to the exact same e-mail address in both cases. I've tried that link on and off for a few months now. I've asked jmaynard to check the mail logs to see if the spam-rejecter rejected anything. In four tries to use that link, one e-mail was sent. It didn't get through, but any retry would have. I have used the link since, in an attempt for force said retry. I've waited. For several hours days.

If I could log in, I'm not sure I wouldn't just delete the account. It would be the same, except I wouldn't get e-mail alerting me to messages I can't read.

I have tried using their alleged help system. Said system is about as helpful as those damnable automated telephone systems. It doesn't let you give it a real subject, only choose among its own subjects, none of which is quite right. I went for the one for log-in trouble and got a form letter that told me do exactly what hasn't been working all along. Or, if that fails, I can take a picture of myself holding a sign with my account number, and send that and some other information in reply to the form letter.

I jumped through those hoops. I made the sign. The picture was taken. The e-mail was sent. It's been a few more days. I haven't heard a blasted thing. Not even a "you did it wrong" or "we can't verify that" message. Just... silence. I'd say it's like talking to a brick, but a brick doesn't give the pretense of perhaps being responsive, so it's even less satisfying than that. At least I can see a use for a brick.

bad service, annoyance

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