So common one forgets...

Apr 22, 2003 09:58

Some time back, jmaynard and I returned home from supper or some such and saw a rabbit on the lawn. This was unusual for Jay, but not for me. I had been used to seeing rabbits when I lived in the country in Wisconsin, and Fairmont is a small enough town that seeing rabbits is not unusual. A bit less common than squirrels, but hardly rare. Seeing deer in the area, that would be rare.

When visiting my folks this weekend we saw several deer in the field across the road. I hadn't commented on it here as it wasn't unusual. It was something I expected to see, off and on, there. Only when I read another's LJ entry about seeing wildlife did it occur to me.

I wonder how many other "little things" I don't pay all that much attention to. It's not that I miss them or ignore them. They're just so common, to me, that I do not regard them as anything unusual and so don't comment on them.

This happens indoors, too. I'm familiar with how our house looks inside. There are original inks of comic pages, and Animaniacs cels hanging on the walls. I'm used to them. But when my sister visited it struck her just how much Animaniacs (and other cartoon) stuff was around.

familiarity, merrill, fairmont

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