I voted this morning and the line that came to mind is that the Republicans are lucky all they have to do is run against Democrats came to mind. Well, in this case the DFL, but the result was the same. The races in which I would have considered voting for another party's candidate, no other party had a candidate.
There was a problem with voting equipment, but it didn't really matter. The ballots were proper paper "fill in the oval" things. The machine that was a problem was the scanner/counter for my ward & precinct, which only meant that results were not counted immediately. As I voted almost first thing in the morning (I was number 23 for my ward & precinct) this was no big deal. Another scanner was already on the way and the ballots were properly secured in the meantime. The turnout was quite large for that early in the morning on non-presidential election year. I purposely waited until after polls had opened to avoid a line and wound up in a line just the same.
I also took part in an exit poll. It asked about my vote for senator, and the reasons why, and about how I weighted various issues. It also asked about my vote for governor and how I viewed the running of the state. Also asked was how I viewed my own politics. Nothing was asked about my votes for any other races.
And after voting I drove to my folks place in Wisconsin and mostly listened to XM on the way. This meant avoiding most politics for most of the day. I don't expect the rest of the night to go quite so well.